The Gaskell Society

New booklet out now

Anthony Burton has written a new booklet that outlines just why Elizabeth Gaskell is the most versatile of storytellers. And it’s free to read! 

Revolutionary Gaskell? A call for papers

We’re thrilled that there’s to be an exciting new Gaskell Conference taking place in Paris in April 2025. Annick Rello-Pommier tells us more and issues a call for papers. 

News from Knutsford

Dr Diane Duffy shares news of her plans for our new season of study sessions for the 2024-2025 season.

ALS Spring 2024 Newsletter

If you’re a member of the Gaskell Society, you’re affiliated to the Alliance of Literary Societies. Here’s their 2023 Autumn Newsletter, which we hope you’ll enjoy reading.  Contents The 2024 […]