The Gaskell Society

Celebrating the life and work of Elizabeth Gaskell

A Visit to the Parsonage

Dr Diane Duffy heads across  the Pennines to visit a very special library. On 15th July 2022 I visited the Brontë Parsonage Museum in Haworth. The visit had been planned back […]

Tea at Cranford II – Our Daily Bread

a victorian illustration of women at a table, taking tea.

Following my last ‘Tea at Cranford’ post, I will now consider the dangers which may have been lurking in those dainty sandwiches, ‘cut to the imaginary pattern of excellence that […]

To Buy or Not to Buy?

That is the question! Volunteers at Elizabeth Gaskell’s House are often asked whether Elizabeth ever bought 84 Plymouth Grove. The answer is definitely not, but her daughters, Meta and Julia, […]

Meet the Neighbours

After moving into a new house, it is always useful to know your neighbours. I am sure Elizabeth would have already known many of her new neighbours in Plymouth Grove, […]