The Gaskell Society

The Gaskell Society

Celebrating the life and work of Elizabeth Gaskell

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Our Annual General Meeting takes place at Cross Street Chapel in Manchester 10.00 Tea and Coffee 10.30 Annual General Meeting 11.45 The Daphne Carrick Memorial Lecture – Jane Austen and Elizabeth Gaskell Dr Emma Probett is a writer, researcher and podcaster. She has a PhD in Victorian Studies and is currently writing a book on Jane Austen and Elizabeth Gaskell and the novel of manners.  The AGM is free to all members and there is no charge for The Daphne Carrick Memorial Lecture, so please join us at Cross St or on Zoom. Members on our emailing list will receive an invitation link by email.   If you have any queries, drop us a line.

Members unable to attend the meeting in person can vote using the link below. Please note that there will be no online, in-meeting voting – votes will be counted in the room only, with online totals added to the count at the meeting. Online voting will close at 9am on the day of the meeting.