A series of plays by Janet Goddard performed in person at Elizabeth Gaskell’s House.
‘What is a bed for but to die in?’ asks angry, dead Emily Brontë.
We snuggle down to participate in bed adventures with six bold women who decimate convention to be themselves. We question Emily’s analysis and love our bedbound women and the lives they reveal.
The Young Queen Victoria, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Charlotte Brontë, Sarah Bernhardt, Florence Nightingale and Emma Hardy, with the help of family and acquaintances, show themselves to us through their bed tales.
‘A woman has ten claws, my darlings,’ Sarah Bernhardt confirms, proving that, not then, not now, do women go to bed to give their brains a rest!
Join the team at Elizabeth Gaskell’s House for a pre-Christmas treat and discover what has drawn our women to their beds to share their secrets.
Thursday 2nd December at 7.00pm and Friday 3rd December at 2.30pm and 7.00pm