The Gaskell Society

Celebrating the life and work of Elizabeth Gaskell

Elizabeth Gaskell – Homes and Haunts

Borrowing a popular nineteenth-century literary form, Anthony Burton looks at Elizabeth Gaskell’s life in terms of the places she knew and loved. He visits not only Knutsford and Manchester, but also Wales, the Lake District, rural Lancashire and elsewhere, through archives, her literary locations and her letters. He also tells the story of the careful restoration of her beautiful, Grade II* listed Regency home on Plymouth Grove Manchester, now a museum celebrating her life and work.

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Borrowing a popular nineteenth-century literary form, Anthony Burton looks at Elizabeth Gaskell’s life in terms of the places she knew and loved. He visits not only Knutsford and Manchester, but also Wales, the Lake District, rural Lancashire and elsewhere, through archives, her literary locations and her letters. He also tells the story of the careful restoration of her beautiful, Grade II* listed Regency home on Plymouth Grove Manchester, now a museum celebrating her
life and work. 

Anthony Burton, after degrees in English literature, worked as a curator at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, specialising in the visual and literary culture of the Victorian period. He is a member of the  Gaskell Society Committee and one of its most popular speakers. He is the author of Elizabeth Gaskell: Manchester’s Versatile Storyteller (2023) and co-author (with Diane Duffy) of Christmas with the Gaskells (2021). 

We also have a print version of this book, available here (UK shipping only, sorry)

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